Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Matt & Jay Discuss the New Star Wars Teaser Trailer and its Place in the Saga

Matt here! Jay and I are both some of the biggest Star Wars fans around, and we were just as excited about the release of the newest film's teaser trailer this past Friday (Nov. 28) than the next fan. So it was only natural that we would discuss what is seen in that trailer. 

First, let it be known that there are lots of fake trailers floating around the internet so be wary as to what you view. The only, true trailer for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens is below, at the end of our conversation. And there are no spoilers for Episode 7 in our conversation. 

So, without further ado, here is our conversation:

Jay: So, did you ever think you'd be talking about an Episode VII of Star Wars?

Matt: I only hoped! But I think it's come along at the best time. If it had come earlier, I don't know if I'd be as excited. What about you?

Jay: I agree. I think one of the things that most excites me is that George Lucas isn't directing it. And I'm not as big a basher of him as many others are, but I like the idea of another creative interpretation of the world he created.

Matt: Couldn't agree more! Much love for Lucas but I wouldn't be as exciting if he was directing/writing it. I think it was time for someone else to take the reins. Let's get down to brass tax! We know the voice-over belongs to Andy Serkis! They say his role is small but integral to the story. Thoughts?

Jay: I didn't even recognize his voice. My first thought was: Smaug!! It really sounded like [Benedict] Cumberbatch.

Matt: Me too! I was hoping it would be him!

Jay: I have no idea who he could be. An old Jedi? But Luke's supposed to be the last.

Matt: Could be. Or some historian who knows of the Jedi/Sith. I have the feeling the use of the Force has been dormant since the 30 years prior to Return of the Jedi.

Jay: Yeah. Like Luke become a hermit or something. I think everyone assumed he would rebuild the Jedi Order. Maybe that didn't happen?

Matt: I have my theories. Just by viewing the trailer and hearing the narration, it sounds like the Force users (i.e., Jedi, Sith) have gone into hiding or just haven't been discovered the past 30 years. The trailer gives the feel that there aren't many of those type of people and somehow the presence of the Force is somewhat re-discovered. Have you read any potential spoilers about the plot?

Jay: No. I'm going spoiler free.

Matt: I have to admit that I only read one and I don't like what I read.

Jay: Don't tell me!

Matt: I won't!

Jay: So most of the talk has been about the black stormtrooper. It's just more evidence on how messed up people are that they chose that to focus on. It didn't register with me until I started reading people's comments.

Matt: I LOVE John Boyega's twitter response: "Get over it." Excellent!!!

Jay: Yeah. The main argument has been that aren't the stormtroopers supposed to be clones of Jango Fett.

Matt: But it is interesting that the stormtrooper is no longer just the Jango clone. This means there is a voluntary enlistment for the military! I think there is somewhat of a merge between the empire and the rebels.

Jay: Unless he's just wearing the armor like Han and Luke in A New Hope.

Matt: Ah, touché!

Jay:  Did you hear the probe droids in the background?

Matt: Yeah!

Jay: Have you seen Attack the Block?

Matt: Yes. But I didn't like it much.

Jay: I thought it was good, but not as great as many hyped it to be. He was good in it though. Soccer Ball Droid. Any thoughts? It's possible he isn't even a main droid in the film. But he's cool for the kids.

Matt: I understand the need to have something for the kids, but let's get serious, the filmmakers don't have to play it up so much. When the original Star Wars (A New Hope) was released, there was no zany alien speaking funny and doing clutzy things. Albeit, there was Artoo and 3PO to provide that "Laurel and Hardy"-type thing, but that was for all ages and not just kids. I guess what I'm trying to say is there were no moments in that film that catered just to the little kids. The entire film was for audiences of all ages. I hope that continues with this one, because, as we saw with Episode 1 (Phantom Menace), it was the nail in the coffin of that trilogy.

Jay: Yup. Before we continue, I'm curious. Rate the previous six Star Wars films in order from least favorite to favorite.
My list is:
5. Phantom Menace
4. Return of the Jedi
2. A New Hope

Matt: Mine are:

6. Phantom Menace
5. Attack of the Clones
4. Return of the Jedi
3. Revenge of the Sith
2. A New Hope
1. Empire Strikes Back

Jay: We're pretty close

Matt: To me, Empire is a great standalone film. Imagine if we had never watched New Hope and Empire was released. It would be like a lot of films today -- starting right in the middle of the lives of these people. It would still be extraordinary and just as great!

Jay: I agree it’s great on its own, but I love New Hope. It was the first and it has for me the best performance of all the films in Alec Guiness as Obi-Wan. It's still so good.

Matt: Yup! Looks like Oscar Isaac is the X-wing pilot. Do you think he has some relation to Han Solo?
Jay: I don't know. You'd have to think he and Leia had kids, right?

Matt: It's what happened in the books. But I know [director] J.J. Abrams and crew want to stray from that. What I'd like to see is if Leia and Han did not get together or stay together.

Jay: That would be interesting. So, I'm really hoping Daisy Ridley is the Luke/Anakin of this story. I think it would be awesome to have a kick-ass female Jedi lead who grows into a total bad-ass.

Matt: I think she will be. Think about it. Abrams has always had strong, kick-ass female leads in his productions.

Jay: I was disappointed that Natalie Portman's Padme lost her strength and is reduced to a crying wife in the background in Revenge of the Sith.

Matt: YES!!! Unfortunately, though, that sort of had to happen to open up the tragedy which befalls Anakin. But she did have the strength to tell him "You're going down a path I can't." And that took courage.

Jay: Yeah, but even though Padme and Leia have a strength I still think a female protagonist would be awesome.

Matt: Definitely!

Jay: Ok, who is "Mr. Cross Sabre"? Adam Driver?

Matt: Here we go!!! Driver would be great! Did you see Stephen Colbert's segment on it? Hilarious!

Jay: Yes! So funny! Loved how he explained the lightsaber and how it works.

Matt: My main criticism or, I should say, notable observation would be not the two hilt mini-sabers, but the way the blade itself looked. Lightsabers are usually smooth looking, but this one looked jagged along both sides of the blade. Did you notice? I think that's further proof that someone -- a Sith? -- made his own crude lightsaber, thus proving the Force has not been used in the past 30 years or so.

Jay: Yeah, I did notice that. It crackles too.

Matt: Yes, which they also crackle in A New Hope, which further proves my theory that the Jedi/Sith have been dormant for quite some time. I remember the backlash when Darth Maul's lightsaber was revealed because although pretty much everyone thought it was badass, Lucas still went on record after that film (Menace) and said that the usual style is to have only one lightsaber, one blade. Of course, the multiverse folks ran with the idea, giving Jedi and mostly Sith two lightsabers. Lucas even dabbled on it in Attack of the Clones when Anakin fought Dooku with two lightsabers and in Revenge of the Sith when he had Anakin use two lightsabers to kill Dooku or General Grievous use four lightsabers (of course, he wasn't a Jedi or SIth).

Jay: I wonder why the cross-guard though?

Matt: I think it's just another attempt at having something different. Just like the Maul double blade.

Jay: Yeah. There's been a bit of backlash about that too. Some are saying that they have to reveal a different lightsaber every movie now. I think that it makes sense for the Sith to want to create lightsabers that are unique and standout. They are narcissists. Maul and Dooku all had unique lightsabers. So does this dude. Jedi would more than likely want a plain blade.

Matt: Agreed. I do think it's just a "WTF?"-moment 'cause it will make people more curious. But the funny thing is: The filmmakers don't need that moment. The voice over and the appearance of the Sith blade would be plenty to get people excited. It doesn't take much to excite Star Wars fans. I think we're just excited knowing a new film is being made!

Jay: Best moment of the teaser for me – the Millennium Falcon! That camera movement was fantastic

Matt: Yeah. You feel like you're flying with it! Looks like it got some repairs, a new wash!

Jay: New radar dish (“Damn it, Lando!”). I literally said, "Hell yeah" at that point!

Matt: Wouldn't it be great to get Billy Dee [Williams] back in this!?!?!

Jay: Yeah, but I guess it’s a no-go. I'd love to see his co-pilot again -- that goofy alien that flew into the Death Star with Lando [in Return of the Jedi].

Matt: Nien Nunb!!!!

Jay: Yes! He rules

Matt: I was most excited to hear John Williams’ iconic score again!!!

Jay: Yes. There would probably be no Star Wars without him.

Matt: Not to get into it too much 'cause we could go on forever -- and have -- but I will say that was what Man of Steel was sorely lacking!

Jay: A good score?

Matt: Williams’ iconic Superman theme!

Jay: Yes. Iconic.

Matt: So the next trailer will premiere with the release of The Avengers 2.

Jay: Sweet. I'm assuming will get some plot details? If it even mentions political machinations or trade negotiations I'm done.

Matt: Ha ha ha ha! I agree. Let's keep it away from all that! Yeah, the next trailer will be a normal time-length trailer (about 2 minutes 30 seconds).

Jay: I can't wait. Will you take your girls to see it?

Matt: Yes, I'll probably take my oldest daughter (8-yrs. old). And I'll take my youngest daughter (6-yrs. old) if she shows interest.

Jay: Before we go . . . Palpatine totally owned Yoda . . . Admit it.

Matt: NEVER!!! The dark side is quicker, easier, but it will never win.

Jay: I will maintain that Yoda is a coward in this moment. He was holding his own and fled after falling and hurting himself.

Matt: I believe it appears as if Palpatine was winning. But that was just where the fight ended. It was cut off before we could see what would've transpired. Thus, to me, it was a draw.

Jay: He allowed Palpatine to solidify his empire and caused the death of untold thousands. Why Yoda would leave and not prevent this confounds me.

Matt: Yoda did hold his hand and was injured, but he had the knowledge to know that he was wasting his time and doing more harm than good.

Jay: Harm to what? The Senate Chamber's decor??? No one was around! I still have issues with it.

Matt: I do too. I do wish there was a little more "closure" (for lack of a better word) on that moment.

Jay: Cool. I thought I was alone.

Matt: Yoda knew he was distracting Palpatine. And the reason I know that's all it was is because a Jedi never kills unless absolutely necessary. And not out of rage. Or revenge.
Saying killing Palpatine would save countless lives and putting it on Yoda is the same argument many have had with Joker and Batman for years!

Jay: I think this counts as a "necessary" moment for a Jedi. A Sith Lord is taking over the entire government. He's killing all the Jedi!

Matt: If Batman killed Joker he would be no better than Joker himself. Even if it was for the "Greater Good."

Jay: Ugggghhh!

Matt: Only a Sith deals in absolutes. Besides, both Yoda and Palpatine had to live to make it to the original trilogy.

Jay: So it's Yoda’s fault. The empire and everything. Because he shouldn't kill? OK, fine.

Matt: No, it's Palpatine's fault. He's the one who did it all. If Yoda had killed him, it would've been at great cost to his soul. Then, he wouldn't have been any good to anyone. Also, I look at Yoda's training of Luke as his own personal redemption (because he does feel guilty for not being able to stop Palpatine). And the empire.

Jay: I can see that. And he feels guilty for what happened with Anakin.

Matt: That was Obi-Wan's reasoning. He felt guilty for Anakin.

Jay: Yes.

Matt: Well, I guess we better wrap it up. Any more thoughts?

Jay: No, I'm super excited. I hope Abrams pulls it off in a big way. I also we get to see some familiar faces in the next trailer.

Matt: Me too! We'll discuss the trailer when it premieres.

Jay: Sure thing.

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